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Online Plagiarism Checker

Citation Machine
Scan your paper the way your teacher would to catch unintentional plagiarism. Then, easily add the right citation.
Dupli Checker
The free online plagiarism checking software is a great benefit to people of any occupation. It was designed by a professionally proficient team of developers to guarantee 100% accuracy of results.
It promotes ethical writing practices through originality and correct citation. The most effective way to achieve that purpose is to provide intuitive technology that empowers writers to write authentic content they can feel confident about.
Small SEO Tools
A complete set of text tools is now at your fingertips. Check plagiarism, rewrite an article, run a spell checker, count words or change text case. It is useful for checking plagiarism irrespective of whether your content is an academic work, blog post, ebook, news article, term paper, landing page content, website page content, social media content, email newsletter, and so on.
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